Skin Types and Characteristics

Dry Skin

Oily Skin
  • caused by over active sebaceous glands
  • has a shiny look and usually feels greasy
  • large open pores
  • usually has blackheads
  • usually has spots and blemishes
  • since it has more sebum, lines and wrinkles form much later in life
  • usually more elastic
  • usually thick and coarse skin
Combination Skin
  • usually has T-zone area (forehead, nose and chin) oily and shiny
  • cheeks can be dry
Normal Skin
  • fine even texture
  • well moisturised
  • clear and clean
  • rarely develops spots
  • no open pores
  • no greasy areas
  • no dry flaky patches
  • healthy colour
Dehydrated Skin
  • lacks water
  • can have fine lines early
  • feels tight
Sensitive Skin
  • tends to be fine and dry
  • is usually thin and delicate
  • usually has broken capillaries
  • is usually red easily (rosacea)
  • prone to allergic reactions
  • can feel hot, burning or stinging sensations
  • can produce flakiness
Mature Skin
  • extra dry
  • shows signs of lines and wrinkles
  • can be sagging too
  • can have pigmentation marks and ageing spots
Acne and Pustules Skin
  • very common among teenagers
  • sluggish complexion
  • extremely oily
  • open pores
  • blemishes
  • pustules
  • redness
  • uneven texture
  • deal with care
Compiled by Violet Vella I.H.B.C, V.T.C.T
  1. You can have more than one skin type for example my skin is both Oily and Sensitive
  2. Your skin type changes in time depending on many things like medicine you’re taking, the environment, stress,…