5 Vegan Days a Week

My New Year Resolution for this year was to add a vegan day per week in every two months. It wasn’t as easy as I have expected it to be. Mainly because in June my boyfriend and I moved to Malta for the 4 months of Summer. I started to get used to the availability of the vegan products in Germany. Then I had to come to Malta to learn and relearn what’s available. This September I’ve arrived at 5 vegan days a week.

I’ve decided to do these 5 vegan days during work days. The 2 vegetarian days will be Saturday and Sunday. I have mainly based this on our German schedule since September will be our last month in Malta. On Saturdays, my boyfriend and I will meet with friends while on Sundays we will visit my boyfriend’s mother. During these two days, it would be hard to eat vegan and I don’t want to make our host feel uncomfortable.

Last week I managed to keep my vegan days until my boyfriend came back from Germany. Then it got worse because we had a public holiday on a Friday. We went to eat first time at the Cheeky Monkey in Valletta. There I could find some vegetarian options but couldn’t find vegan options. Therefore I moved back to choosing a vegetarian option. I know that I should have switched it with Sunday but since it’s our last month in Malta and we need to clear the fridge, on Sunday I needed to consume some vegetarian ingredients.

Therefore I am going to give this 5 vegan days a week challenge another go this week.

For Germany, I am planning to keep these 5 vegan days by doing a juice cleanse 5 days a week or something equally healthy.

Wish me luck!
