Vegan Month Photo Challenge

My New Year Resolution for this year was to add a vegan day of the week in every two months. During these last two months, I missed a bit from my resolution. From November, I will need to be vegan 6 days a week. In case you didn’t know, November is also Vegan Month. Therefore to help myself stick to the 6 days a week of veganism, I have decided to do a Vegan Month Photo challenge on my Instagram account.

Every day in November I have to share with you on Instagram a photo of something vegan that I’ve recently eaten or used with the hashtag #veganChallenge

As always, you are free to join this challenge with me. Just follow and tag me (@crueltyfreemalta) to your Instagram photo caption so that I can see what you have shared.

If vegan is too strict for you, you can also do it related to vegetarianism or cruelty-free products. You can even do a mix of these three lifestyles. Just make sure to tag me so that I can like and comment on your photo <3


