Vegan Fashion Designers in Malta

I am happy to hear that big fashion houses like Armani and Gucci have banned fur for their next collections. However, I will feel safer if they ban the rest of animal materials such as silk, leather, wool, etc. Maybe this news is soon on its way. Let’s wait and see! In the meantime, I am curious to know if we have any vegan fashion designers in Malta. What I mean by vegan fashion designers, fashion designers who don’t use animal materials for their creations or collections. However, I don’t want to go into the detail of how vegan their private life is.

Some years ago, a friend of mine recommended me a fashion designer who doesn’t use any animal material. I have added and also spoke to him on facebook. Now that I have a fashion section on the blog, I have decided to create a list where I can mention him and other vegan fashion designers in Malta whom you recommend.

