Oversized Pullover – Wardrobe Essentials for Women

I have been noticing in these last few years that tight clothes are slowly going out of fashion. The new trends seem to be focusing on loose clothes, such as the oversized pullover and blouse, wide trousers, long dresses and skirts, and so on.

Probably it’s for the good as I have read in a health magazine that tight clothes are unhealthy since they stop blood circulation.

Although I think that tight clothes are going out of fashion, in shops I still find tight clothes. It could be because I currently have a low budget which leads me to look for and buy clothes during the sales.

It’s been two months since my last wardrobe essentials fashion post, so I thought it’s about time I write one. The reason that I chose to write about the oversized pullover is that my boyfriend was going through a spring cleaning in his wardrobe. He removed pullovers that he didn’t need anymore. Since they were still good as new, I offered to take them and wear them as oversized pullovers.

I am still a bit brainwashed by the end of the 90s and beginning of 2000 trend of tight clothes. So I went online to look for inspiration on how to wear oversized pullovers. To get back to them when I am building an outfit, I have created an inspiration board.

Was happy to find looks which included hats similar to the one I have recently bought and also pleated skirts. I am keeping my eyes open for the affordable pleated skirt as they are currently also a wardrobe essential.

Maybe I won’t match them exactly with the inspirational photos. However, these photos will help me to start from somewhere.

What’s your opinion on oversized pullovers? Would you wear your partner’s unwanted pullovers?
