The Body Shop Face Masks Review

Hey beauties,

If you have been following my Instagram @janiiiceee, you may have noticed that I have been trying and testing out different face masks by The Body Shop.

Due to my current hectic lifestyle with various academic responsibilities, popping on a mask every now and then was a great excuse for me to find a few minutes to relax.

For this blog post, I am going to talk about four totally vegetarian or vegan, superfood face masks by The Body Shop. Their inspiration comes from traditional remedies from around the world.

Tip: For smooth application, better apply these masks using The Body Shop’s Face Mask Brush.

The first face mask I tested was the Japanese Matcha Tea Pollution Clearing Mask.

This face mask is rich in matcha green tea from Kakegawa Japan dandelion extract and soul-soothing Community Trade aloe vera from Mexico. Basically, its purpose is to deep cleanse your skin from pollutants which let’s face it, it is necessary especially if you live in an Urban Area like I do.

For those of you trying this mask, don’t be shocked as it tingles a bit. However, you’ll get past the tingling when you smell its freshness. This face mask targets all skin types and it is not drying at all. Upon removing the face mask, I noticed that my skin looked very radiant as the face mask had cleansed my face from all the pollutants I face every day.

The second face mask I have tested was the Amazonian Acai Energising Radiance Mask.

The mask is consists of a blend containing acai berry, guarana and babassu oil. It contains no parabens, paraffin, silicone or mineral oil. This product mostly targets people like me, who lack sleep since this face mask brightens up the dull skin as well as hydrates dry skin and eliminates all traces of fatigue and stress from your skin so that you look more energised.

Acai is also rich in antioxidants and vitamins to help boost the immune system. It prevents further damage as well as repairing the existing damage. Meanwhile, Babassu oil helps to hydrate and soften skin, and prevent moisture loss.

Just like the other masks, this face mask showed immediate results and as I removed it I was left with bright and glowing skin that aided my makeup to blend and look a lot better.

The third face mask I’ve tried was the Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask.

The purpose of this face mask is to detoxify, refine and revive the skin. Its inspiration is Ayurvedic traditions and consists of a bamboo charcoal, green tea leaves and organic tea tree oil infusion. Just like the Japanese Matcha Tea face mask, this face mask is tingly for the first few minutes after application. Since it contains charcoal, it dries up really tight to your face. You could barely move or speak. So if you are not a fan of such a dry feeling this face mask is not ideal for you. However, the fact that it is drying makes it suitable for combination to oily skin.

I applied this mask during stressful moments when my skin was breaking out. My aim was to test if it actually dries out my acne and to my surprise, it did. After washing my mask off I noticed that my acne had dried up. Also within a few days, my acne was gone. I instantly noticed that my pores appeared unclogged and my skin was left so soft and smooth that I couldn’t resist not touching it. The only downside to this mask is that as it dries up it takes a while to clean it off. Therefore, I do recommend to make sure you schedule enough time and to have a washcloth on hand to help you take this mask off.

Finally, the last mask I tried was the Chinese Ginseng & Rice Clarifying Polishing Mask.

This creamy and exfoliating mask was Inspired by Chinese traditions. The Ginseng and Rice Mask combines natural ingredients sourced from Northeast Asia and South Americ. It targets to give you a radiant and brighter skin. Also makes your skin appear even within a few minutes.

I should start off by saying that when applying this face mask I instantly felt refreshed and it smelled amazing! Unlike the Himalayan Charcoal mask, this face mask wasn’t as hard to remove. It only took one swipe with the washcloth and it was all gone. As a result, this mask gave my face an intense treatment. It removed dullness and unevenness thus left my face looking bright and revitalised. If you are looking to have a facial at home, this mask would be the best for the job.

Tip: To obtain the best results according to your skin type you can combine the face masks together. For example, applying the Himalayan Charcoal mask to your T-zone which is usually the oiliest part of the face. Then Amazonian Acai face mask to your cheeks to give you a bright and radiant look.

Now that I have given you a better insight into these face masks, which mask will you indulge in?

I, hope you found this blog post interesting and useful.

Make sure to follow me on Instagram @janiiiceee to keep updated with my beauty and makeup related posts. Also, make sure to message me and share your experiences regarding these face masks.

Janice is a Maltese Instagram blogger on @janiiiceee who loves both animals and makeup. These qualities encouraged me to ask Janice if she would like to contribute to this blog. For now, she is a guest blogger. However, she would love to be a regular contributor to the CrueltyFreeMalta blog, time permitting. 
