The Eco Market Malta project is now LIVE!

There has never been a better time to care about the environment as right now; we are starting to realise that change is needed and feel the desire to learn how to make effective and long-lasting positive change. As a direct response to this, the Eco Market wants to help and assist a smooth transition to a more sustainable lifestyle. The way forward in reducing our negative impact on the environment is to become conscious of our daily habits, particularly what we buy, and what we throw away.

Through Eco Market Malta, we want to inspire others to BE THE CHANGE THEY WANT TO SEE!!

What is it?

A monthly event, jam-packed with responsible and ethical vendors, expert talks, workshops, activities and entertainment all aimed towards raising awareness about environmental sustainability.

Everybody, including the planet and future generations, will greatly benefit from this!

Get hold of our limited edition Eco Goodie Bags!

There are awesome rewards for you! That’s right – we are not asking for donations – we will give you back all your money’s worth.
The Eco Goodie Bags are full of Eco-friendly products that you will love complete with a unique branded tote bag!

How can you contribute?

Go to our crowd-funding page where you can see our kick-starter video, read more details and see pictures of the rewards.

What else can you do?

We would appreciate if you could identify at least 5 people who will resonate with the project and are most likely to contribute and send them this email.
Introduce this project to all your friends, family and professional network and share on social media.
We need the majority of contributions to be received by the first week – from 6th to 13th March. The campaign closes on 3rd April.


Guestpost by the Eco Market Malta
