Is Max Factor cruelty-free in 2021?

During my school days, we were asked to bring a foundation and a face powder to use for a school play. At the time I did not know that there were other makeup products to use for the face apart from blusher. So I passed on the information to my mum, even she did not have a clue but she promised me to buy them for me next time she goes shopping. I remember the brand she bought. It was Max Factor. Yes, my first foundation and face powder was from a brand that supports animal testing. I was not cruelty-free back then and since Max Factor is popular, I thought she bought the good brand. Years later I discovered that it is a brand that I should avoid.

So after a little story about my first experience with this brand, let me start answering your questions about Max Factor. I did not find any animal testing policy on their website, so I won’t be taking a lot of your time today.

Does Max Factor test on animals?

I could not find any animal testing policy for Max Factor on their website. However, since they sell in the EU, I assume that they no longer do unless they separated their European company from the rest of Max Factor.

Is Max Factor owned by a parent that is not cruelty-free?

Max Factor is owned by Coty. PETA lists Coty as an animal testing company.

Is Max Factor certified cruelty-free?

Max Factor is not certified cruelty-free. PETA lists Max Factor as an animal testing company.

Is Max Factor cruelty-free?

As we have seen in the previous question, PETA states that Max Factor is not cruelty-free. So they are not cruelty-free also in my list. If you wish to know why I can say that it has to do with Max Factor selling cosmetics in Mainland China.

Which brands should I support instead?

If you are looking for a brand who is serious about its anti-animal-testing policy. Check my list of brands that are against animal testing. That is all for today. As I said it is a short post today. If you have other brands which you have questions about, please leave a comment below.

Source: Max Factor Mainland China Website as at 27.12.2020
