Is Bioderma cruelty-free?

Before I refined my strategy on how to find out whether a brand is cruelty-free or not, I had once listed Bioderma as cruelty-free. Recently, I saw a high volume of Bioderma posts on my field, so I decided to double-check whether I had listed it right. Turns out that it’s not.

Does Bioderma test on animals?

Their website does not seem to mention anything about the subject, so will dig further into other questions

Is Bioderma owned by a parent that is not cruelty-free?

NAOS owns Bioderma and two other brands, it seems. There seems to be no information about the cruelty-free status of NAOS, but they seem to sell their child brands in China.

Is Bioderma certified cruelty-free?

No Bioderma is not certified cruelty-free.

Is Bioderma cruelty-free?

My answer is that Bioderma is not cruelty-free. I will explain why through the answers for my next questions.

Does Bioderma sell in Mainland China?

I googled Bioderma China and found its Mainland China website. On the footer, one can find that Bioderma China has a Shanghai trade address, which as far as I know it is part of Mainland China. This means that Bioderma does sell in Mainland China.

Are Bioderma products in Mainland China are cosmetics?

Mainland China considers oral care products and soap bars as not cosmetics. The rest of what we consider as cosmetics is also cosmetics in Mainland China. When browsing Bioderma’s Mainland China website, you find mainly skincare products. This means that Bioderma sells cosmetics in Mainland China.

Which brands should I support instead?

If you are looking for a brand who is serious about its anti-animal-testing policy. Check my list of brands that are against animal testing.

Source: Bioderma Mainland China Website at 20.6.2020 
