Istrina for Animals 2020

Photo by Anusha Barwa on Unsplash

You might have been expecting a cruelty-free status post today. However, I thought of doing something different as today is my Birthday!

I don’t usually look forward to it or boast much about it as I don’t like to remember that I am growing older. However, today I am boasting for hopefully a selfless reason. I had always the intention of doing this but I am not a person who likes to ask others for money. This time I plucked up some courage to ask you to help me raise some funds for our four-legged friends in need.

I have set up a donation page on this blog which I called “Istrina for Animals”. My intention is to collect funds to buy food for animals in shelters. The reason I want to buy food and not give money is that some pet brands are linked to animal testing. Unfortunately, some sanctuaries might not be aware of this. As the saying goes, “beggars can’t be choosers”. Whether or not sanctuaries know, they take any free or affordable food offer they get. So I believe that with the help of my fundraising page, I will make it easier for sanctuaries to always opt for cruelty-free pet food brands.

I have some cruelty-free pet food brands in Malta in mind. If you happen to know some other brands or happen to be one, please let me know.

Alternatively, if you prefer to give food to sanctuaries yourself, instead but unaware of which brands are not linked to animal testing, contact me. I will be happy to help.

There are two reasons why I called the donation page “Istrina for Animals”. First, because I want to extend it till 1st January 2021 which in old Maltese tradition is the Istrina day. Secondly, the popular Maltese telethon L-Istrina rarely considers animals when they raise funds. So I thought I would make up for it myself.

I don’t expect to reach the target of a million Euro, but every cent you can invest in this activity will be worth a million for me and our furry friends.

Thank you in advance!

Istrina for Animals 2020

€57 of €100 raised

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Donation Total: €1



€20 January 1, 2021

Semjase Zammit

€10 December 27, 2020


€3 December 15, 2020


€1 December 11, 2020

Nastassia Brincat

€5 December 11, 2020

Thanks for taking the initiative to raise donations for animals whilst also raising awareness about the importance of using cruelty-free… Read more

Thanks for taking the initiative to raise donations for animals whilst also raising awareness about the importance of using cruelty-free products 🙂
Hope you'll achieve your goal in raising €100!



€5 December 10, 2020

Shan C

€4 December 10, 2020

Stephanie Aquilina Calleja

€10 December 10, 2020

Excellent idea, well done and thank you ❤
