Cruelty-free Update: New Labels for brands

As you know from this year I am sending an questionnaire by email to companies that are not certified cruelty-free. The reason is to check if their products have been tested on animals in some way or another, and then decide in which list it makes sense to list them. Some of the companies that answered back replied with a statement saying something like this:

“On the one hand, the claim “cruelty free” is prohibited in Europe because the regulations do not allow the simple respect of a regulatory requirement to be presented as an ethical commitment. On the other hand, claiming “cruelty free” is meaningless if it is not attached to a label (e.g. one voice, leaping bunny).”

As I am not aware that claiming to be cruelty-free in Europe is prohibited and at some point it might become enforced, I have decided to change my labels and definitions for future posts to the following:

Cruelty-free brand (certified cruelty-free brand)

A brand that is certified cruelty-free by PETA, Leaping Bunny, Cruelty Free International, LAV, Choose Cruelty Free and any equivalent animal welfare organisation.

Not animal tested brand

A brand that is not certified cruelty-free but they are serious about not supporting animal testing.

Not cruelty-free brand (animal testing brand)

A brand that is listed by PETA or any similar organisation as a brand that DOES test on animals.

Grey area brand

A brand that does not give a clear answer on whether their products, ingredients, etc were tested on animals.

I will use this update to future posts and for old post, especially the status posts, I will slowly reword them. If you have any suggestions or wish to know more about these definitions, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

Photo by Diana Măceşanu on Unsplash

