My TV Interview on Animal Diaries + Interview tips

Today I will be sharing with you my second interview on Animal Diaries, which happened some weeks ago. My first interview was years ago about an EU petition called Stop Vivisection and I looked very scared and unprepared during my first interview. This second interview is actually about my work on my blog although the link is not displayed due to some policies by the TV station. This time I made sure I did not look scared and unprepared, I will explain later how. Interview on Animal Diaries – 03.07.2021

Aired in Maltese. interview on TVM’s Animal Diaries where I get asked questions like what is my process in knowing if a brand supports animal testing or not, where my readers/followers are based, whether it is easy to find a quantity and also quality products that are free from animal testing.

© Animal Diaries and Television Malta 2021

To get updated on other Interviews or videos, make sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel.

About Animal Diaries

Animal Diaries is an educational Tv programme about the Animal Kingdom aired LIVE on TVM.

Saturday 7 pm TVM

Repeat – Sunday 1.15 pm TVM2

Watch on-demand on

TV Interview Tips

For this interview, I made sure that I was prepared, here’s how:

  1. I made sure I get the questions beforehand so that I don’t get blocked during those 4 minutes.
  2. Typed in my answers and printed them so that I structure my answers in order, especially when I was asked about my vetting process.
  3. Memorised the questions and answers by repetition. I eventually did not look at the answer sheet.
  4. Since it was an online interview on TV, to avoid technical problems, we had a test call beforehand.