Part 2: The truth: Does Avon really test on animals?

This is the second part of The truth: Does Avon really test on animals? If you haven’t read the first part please do.

Cruelty Free Malta to PETA Info
7 October 11


Your website is saying that Avon is a company that are pro animal testing while Avon is saying that they are one of the first companies to stop animal testing.

Could you kindly investigate and explain to me which info I should believe?

Thank You,

Best Regards,


PETA Info to Me
7 October 11

Dear Fiona,

Thank you for contacting us about Avon. Avon was included on PETA’s cruelty-free list for more than two decades, so we were stunned to learn that it is paying for tests on animals in China. This means that Avon no longer qualifies to be listed as cruelty-free, and we have moved it from our list of companies that have permanently banned all tests on animals to our list of companies that do test on animals.

Because tests on animals are required by the Chinese government before many cosmetics products can be marketed in China, some companies choose not to sell their products there. We urge you to support these companies and continue to purchase products from the more than 1,000 companies on our cruelty-free list, which can be found at Please also let Avon know why you won’t be purchasing its products any longer:

Avon Products, Inc.
1345 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10105

Through a generous grant given to PETA, we are now supporting the efforts of the Institute for In Vitro Sciences (, which is providing training for scientists in China in the use of non-animal test methods and working with officials to accept the non-animal methods that are used in the U.S., the European Union, and much of the world. We are urging Avon to contribute significantly to this effort to hasten the process.

To learn more about non-animal methods and how PETA has been instrumental in the acceptance of these tests by governments around the world, please visit

To learn more about how animals suffer in laboratories, please go to To get involved in PETA’s other campaigns, please see To make a donation in support of PETA’s campaigns to stop cruelty to animals, please visit

Thanks again for writing and for everything that you do to help animals.


The PETA Staff

After sharing the news that Avon is not cruelty-free anymore, I received an email from Avon Malta because I was sharing information about their company. Will be posting this correspondence in Part 3, as soon as we get 2,020 likes on our facebook page.
