Review: The Groomer of Tarġa

I have decided to write this post as it’s not always common to find a grooming company in Malta who states that they groom also rabbits.

As Summer was approaching and my Dorian is a bit more furry than the normal rabbit, last May, I posted on the RUBS PUPPY LOVE facebook group to ask whether they know about an affordable groomer that grooms also rabbits. Although the name of the group indicates that the group is mainly about dogs, I still gave it a shot.

Tracy from Tat-Tarġa Pet Grooming Parlour happened to be following the facebook group and she answered that the parlour she works in have a lot of experience in grooming rabbits. I waited for other suggestions but no one suggested any other rabbit groomer, so I decided to give Tat-Tarġa a go.



As usual, following the directions of the Google Map app on my mobile phone, I arrived at the place, I thought. When I went in and looked for the parlour, a member of the staff indicated that I am at Tat-Tarġa Kennels and that the grooming parlour is around the corner. So as I wasn’t sure I find parking around the corner I walked from the kennels to the parlour. It was a hot day and I was scared that Dorian might die of a sunstroke.
The second time I went there I went straight to the parlour and parking was available infront of the parlour.
Parlour Rating: 4/5


Tracy is very friendly. I am not a talkative person and I rarely talk to strangers the first time I meet them. But with Tracy I talked a lot. She has 7 adopted rabbits at home which confirms that it’s not her first experience with rabbits. Tracy knows how to handle a rabbit, and if it wasn’t for her I would have kept on thinking that Dorian was a boy. I have a GIRL!!!
Staff Rating: 5/5


Rabbit grooming consisted of
  • shower: leaves Dorian feeling refreshed after lots of warm days,
  • nail clipping: of all 4 paws. Rabbits need to get their nails clipped every month as nails grow fast and long
  • drying out with towels: since the sound of a hair dryer could kill the rabbit
  • shaving chest hair: so that when Dorian rests with her chest on the floor, her internal organs can cool down, and
  • ears and eyes cleaning: it’s easy for a rabbit to get an ear or eye infection so cleaning of the eyes and ears helps in minimising the chance of infections
Service Rating: 5/5


The above service costs only €10 for my dwarf rabbit Dorian. I am a bit jealous as for €10, I only get a wash and a blow-dry from my hairdresser. XD
Price Rating: 5/5


DISCLAIMER: I paid for the grooming services mentioned in this post. I wasn’t paid, forced or asked by anyone to do this post.