16 Vegan Products You Didn’t Know About At Lidl Malta

I had already completed nearly half of my conversion to veganism when I was told that we were going to spend the Summer in Malta. My only worry about the move was whether I would be able to find vegan products in Malta. Unlike how Malta was when I had left it in February last year, all Maltese supermarkets that I went to were stocked up with vegan products. However, I limited myself to Lidl as it was the closest and affordable shop plus I had already got used to its assortment while I was living in Germany.

During my 4 Summer months in Malta, I have found and tried the following vegan products from Lidl.

Io Veg

Cheese Alternatives

Granarolo 100% Vegetale

Soy Yogurts

Soy Ice Cream

Milk Alternatives

My Best Veggie

Soy Ice Cream




Vegan Island

Cheese Spread Alternative

Which vegan products have you tried from Lidl and which ones you like or dislike?

DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored posts. I had bought all the items mentioned were bought at selling price.
