Moving On To A 5-Day Juice Cleanse With Juice Delights

My gym trainer had asked me to drink 2.5 litres of water a day, avoid sugary foods, carbs such as pasta and bread, and to eat a lot of protein. Two weeks out of 3 I could not follow this. Since on the third week I was going to be alone at home, I have decided to do a 5-day juice cleanse.

Unfortunately, I have left my juicer in Germany. However, it is not that bad as I had wanted to give Juice Delights a try. So I contacted Juice Delights and told the Juice Therapist, Sarah, my story and what I want to achieve. I have also sent her a copy of my blood test results just in case there is something that needs improvement. In this way, I can have a juice cleanse plan customised to my requirements.

A pack of 20 bottles of frozen juices and notes to guide me through a healthier lifestyle were personally delivered to my apartment. The bottles, which I will be returning once they are empty, nearly filled up the freezer. However, I seem to have storage skills like Mary Poppins as I still managed to fit the other items that were already in the freezer.

Day 1 – Starting weight: 54 kg

Ending the day before with a vegan hot dog from Becky’s Kitchen, I eagerly took my 8 am juice. I had packed the 12 pm and 4 pm juices for work. Also, I made sure to place the juices for Day 2 in the fridge so that they defrost without fermenting in 24 hours. I felt like I could do 5 days of just juices.

Usually, I rarely visit the bathroom. However, from the first day of the juice cleanse I visited the bathroom at least every hour. The juices filled me up but, in between juices, 2 hours or more after, I felt hungry and the restaurants around my place of work did not make it easier. I craved for something solid. Following the advice given by Sarah, I drank water whenever I felt like eating something. Succeeding in drinking at least 2 litres of water in a day. I had never managed to drink 2 litres during work before I started the cleanse.

Day 2

The second day was similar to the first day. The difference was that I have not ended the day before with a vegan hot dog. I had started feeling a slight headache during the day but no weakness. It is said that it is normal to feel headaches during a cleanse as the body is getting used to the change of nutrition.

Day 3

On day 3 I had an errand to run, so I drank my 8 am juice earlier. I do not know if this effects anything. The headaches did not continue. I did feel tired but it was not caused by the juice cleanse. It is normal for me to feel tired when I have 3 shifts of 10 hours each after each other. I usually complain about having 3 or more 10 hours shifts in a row. However, I think for this week they were ideal to help me not snack at home. If I were off, assuming that I do not get tempted to check fridge and cupboards, I might have gone to the gym and exercise. After these shifts, I went straight home, drank the 8 pm juice and some more water, had a call with my boyfriend in Germany, showered and went straight to bed.

Day 4 – Weight: 52 kg

I had no work shift on Day 4 and had no errands to run. The only thing I had to do out of home is meeting my sister at the gym for a session together after she finishes work. So I had to spend most of my day at home surrounded by tempting food. I was thinking of maybe sleeping till noon. However, on off days I manage to wake up earlier than I do on work days. Luckily I have managed to keep myself so busy that I had nearly forgot my next juices.

From this day, I started taking probiotics. Since now my body has removed the toxins and my cells are beginning to be regenerated, my body is ready to take some good bacteria in the gut. We do not have a scale at home, so I could check my weight while I was at the gym. I was happy to see that I have dropped 2 kg.

Day 5

Finally, the last day of my juice cleanse and also my last day as a sales assistant. I had my last 10-hour shift so I could do my full juice day. By Day 5, I was used to drinking juices. I could not wait until I went home to take my last drink which was a smoothie. It is kind of a treat for completing the cleanse.

How did I manage to consume only juices?

I was curious to see if it would have been more worth it to buy 20 juices from a juice shop like Dr Juice instead. When calculating how much would it cost me to do so, I have found that my choice was more affordable. If it was not, I think I would have still thought that I made the right choice as this juice cleanse was customised to my needs, while at a juice shop I would have bought random juices. However, I could buy a nutritious juice from a juice shop to replace a meal.

If you want to try out a juice cleanse yourself, you can contact Sarah on the Juice Delights facebook page. She also told me that she has a trial pack so that you decide whether juicing is for you or not.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a pr, sponsored or affiliate post. I paid for the juice cleanse myself.
