5 Animal-Derived Materials Used In Clothing

As I have been saying in previous fashion posts, I find the fashion section on this blog, the hardest section. Firstly because I still feel new to fashion and secondly because we have no cruelty-free fashion brands yet. However, I realised that on my fashion section I have not yet answered the question of what makes fashion cruelty-free. The answer is animal-derived materials.

I was going to risk to turn my fashion section into just another fashion blog when the aim of the blog is to raise awareness. Most probably the reason why I did not focus on answering that question is that the answer was too obvious to me. Many times I tend to leave out things that are obvious to me, assuming that they are obvious to everyone else. In reality what is obvious to one person is not obvious to another.

I noticed this when I was at fashion week. When talking to a friend, I mentioned that I can’t write about some designers as they use a lot of silk. This friend was surprised to find out that silk is animal-derived. I have also mentioned the silkworm to her to prove that it’s animal-derived. For a moment even I started having doubts on whether it is or I made it up. However, after a quick lookup, I managed to confirm that silk is animal-derived.

So today I thought of listing the 5 main animal-derived materials which we find in things we wear.

For the upcoming posts, I will go into more detail on each of them. I haven’t listed animal-derived materials such as cashmere, suede, etc because I see them as a sub-category of the above-mentioned materials.

What other animal-derived materials have I missed?
