Is Guerlain cruelty-free in 2021?

I have started making a habit to explain whether an why a brand is or is not cruelty-free and test or does not test on animals. I usually take their animal testing policy and explain the hidden message behind the important messages. However, not every brand seem to find it important to have an animal testing policy on their website. Today I will be answering the questions of whether Guerlain tests on animals and whether it is cruelty-free. So let’s start.

Does Guerlain test on animals?

As I mentioned earlier, I could not find Guerlain’s animal testing policy on their website. So, I can’t give a sure answer. However, since they sell in Europe I would assume that they would claim that they don’t test on animals. If they do test on animals, they wouldn’t be able to sell in countries that are part of the European Union.

Is Guerlain owned by a parent that is not cruelty-free?

Guerlain is owned by LVMH. Unfortunately, I could not find a reliable source that could tell me the cruelty-free status of this corporation.

Is Guerlain certified cruelty-free?

Guerlain is not certified cruelty-free. PETA lists Guerlain as an animal testing company.

Is Guerlain cruelty-free?

No. Unfortunately, I don’t consider Guerlain as cruelty-free as PETA already confirms that it isn’t.

Do you have any more information to add about this company?

Which brands should I support instead?

If you are looking for a brand who is serious about its anti-animal-testing policy. Check my list of brands that are against animal testing. If you have other brands which you have questions about, please leave a comment below.
