Is Dior cruelty-free in 2022?

Today I will be evaluating whether Dior is cruelty-free. Please note that this post is about Dior’s beauty products and not their fashion items. Although for me if the beauty part is testing on animals, I would not support even their fashion sector. However, that’s my opinion. Others might think that it is too extreme.

Is Dior certified cruelty-free?

No Dior is not certified cruelty-free. PETA lists Dior as an animal testing brand.

Is Dior owned by a certified cruelty-free parent?

No, as far as I could find, Dior is not owned by any parent company.

What is Dior’s cruelty-free status?

Since PETA lists it as an animal testing brand, this means that Dior is not cruelty-free.

Which brands should I support instead?

If you are looking for a brand that is serious about its anti-animal-testing policy. Check my list of brands that are against animal testing.

Source: Dior Mainland China Website as at 14.3.2020 
