Cruelty-free Hair Dye Brands in Malta

As soon as the quarantine started, many women were panicking about the grey roots that they eventually need to cover. However, what to do when all salons are closed. Luckily there is a solution. You can dye your hair at home. Since salons in Germany charge twice the price as the ones in Malta, I mostly dyed my own hair during these last 5 years. I am really impatient with hair. If I had to choose, I would rather work as a makeup artist than a hairdresser. However, I managed to dye my hair and if I manage, then so can you. Since supermarkets are loaded with hair dye brands that support animal testing such as L’Oréal, Schwarzkopf and Wella, I decided to make it easier for you to find cruelty-free alternative, by sharing with you a list of cruelty-free hair dye brands in Malta.

These are all the brands I know of. If you know of other cruelty-free hair dye brands that are sold in Malta, please let me know.

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