Vegan-friendly Restaurant in Bugibba, Malta

I had started this blog series around two years ago when I was staying in Malta. Then I stopped because I was no longer living in Malta. So I could not try any new vegan-friendly restaurants on the island. Now. the plan is that whenever I visit Malta and discover a new vegan-friendly place, I will start listing it in the relevant list. Today I will be starting the list of vegan-friendly restaurants in Bugibba.

In these lists, I want to list restaurants that are either fully vegan or which have dedicated vegan dishes. I don’t want to waste time in pizzerias where you can ask for a veg pizza without cheese or sushi places where you can order vegetable sushi, etc as there is a lot of those and a list for them might not be needed.

Choco Kebab Cafe / Vegan Bar

Choco Kebab Cafe is the first place where I had veganised traditional Maltese food. I was aiming to have their XXL Pastizzi. However, I opted for a soy tuna ftira or as they call it ciabatta.

Victoria Gastropub

If I am not mistaken I had visited this pub for lunch about 4 years ago with my boyfriend. However, at the time it had no vegan section in their menu so I created my own meal from what sounded vegetarian, as I was mostly vegetarian at the time. Most probably it also had different ownership. However, it recently reopened with a dedicated menu page for vegans including breakfast, pizza, pasta and salads. I can’t wait to see what else they will offer in the future.

I am sure there are more vegan-friendly restaurants in Bugibba. However, when I will have the chance to try their food, I will make sure to list them here.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored or affiliate post.
