Is OPI cruelty-free?

Currently, we are very busy with our wedding preparations that I sometimes consider to take a break from blogging until we are ready from planning the wedding. However, my conscience doesn’t let me. It became so much part of me that when I pause I start feeling guilty. As currently, I am looking for cruelty-free brands of nail polishes found in nail salons, I thought I feature OPI today. It’s one of the ex-cruelty-free nail polish brands I have tried.

Does OPI test on animals?

Unfortunately, I could not find any information from OPI to be able to answer this question.

Is OPI owned by a parent that is not cruelty-free?

Coty Inc. owns OPI. PETA claims that Coty Inc. is not cruelty-free.

Is OPI certified cruelty-free?

No OPI is not certified cruelty-free.

Is OPI cruelty-free?

My answer is that OPI is not cruelty-free.

Does OPI sell in Mainland China?

On the OPI official website, I could switch to their China shop OPI does sell in Mainland China. You might assume that it could be for areas like Hong Kong. However, OPI have a separate website for Hong Kong, so the China site I am redirected to is for Mainland China.

Are OPI products in Mainland China are cosmetics?

As we know OPI is a nail polish brand, so cosmetics. This means that OPI sells cosmetics in Mainland China.

Which brands should I support instead?

If you are looking for a brand who is serious about its anti-animal-testing policy. Check my list of brands that are against animal testing.

Source: OPI Mainland China Shop at 3.8.2020 
