Is Polaar cruelty-free?

I have noticed that I haven’t featured a cruelty-free brand in this series for some time. Currently, I am trying to feature one each month. However, I noticed that in November I missed it, so I will make up for it today. As I already indicated, today’s company is cruelty-free. So as the cruelty-free status of the company is now not a mystery, I am going to go through the steps I have taken to accept Polaar to sell on my cruelty-free shop.

Does Polaar test on animals?

Is Polaar owned by a parent that is not cruelty-free?

From what I could find, Polaar is still owned by its original owners. For me, this means that its values are still strong. So no, Polaar is not owned by a company that is not cruelty-free.

Is Polaar certified cruelty-free?

No, Polaar is not certified cruelty-free.

Does Polaar sell in China?

No, Polaar does not sell in China.

Is Polaar cruelty-free?

The term cruelty-free seems to be a term reserved for certified cruelty-free brands. From all this information that I could find, I can confirm that Polaar is without animal testing. That is why I am happy to accept Polaar products to be added to my cruelty-free marketplace.

Is Polaar vegan?

Most if not all of the Polaar products are vegan. If you would be interested in Polaar’s vegan products, you can click the vegan tag on my multivendor shop. I have also posted a list of Polaar vegan products.

Source: Polaar Animal Testing Policy at 13.12.2020 
