3 promising vegan frozen pizza I found in Germany

I recently noticed that since I have been baking pizza from scratch, I started consuming less frozen pizza. However, I still have some in the freezer in case I am hungry after running errands and have not much time to cook from scratch. Since around 2 years ago I could only find one brand that offered vegan frozen pizza in Germany. Then since last year more brands starting to join the trend and it seems that more brands will be joining in the following months.

These are the vegan frozen pizza I have tried:

Trattoria Alfredo Pizza Verdura from Lidl

This Lidl vegan pizza the only vegan frozen pizza I could find for a while in Germany. What I like about it is that it is the most affordable and it is full of various toppings.

K-Favourites Gemüseboden Pizza from Kaufland

Slowly German supermarkets are attempting to join Lidl in offering frozen pizza for vegans. Kaufland seems to be the second supermarket that decided to cater to vegans for this category. What I don’t like about this pizza is the limited variety of toppings, it is mainly tomatoes. On the other hand, what I like about it is that the dough is not purely wheat but a wheat and rice flour mix.

Pizza Verdura from Veganz

Veganz was probably offering vegan frozen pizza in Germany before Lidl. However, in Offenburg we rarely got Veganz products and if we did most of the time nothing from their fridged or frozen products. Recently this is changing and supermarkets have started stocking Veganz, so I got to try one of their pizzas. Although it is called the same as the Lidl vegan pizza, tastewise I seem to prefer the Veganz one. It is closer to an authentic pizza in my opinion.

These are the vegan frozen pizza that I have tried during my time in Germany. There are a lot more that I still need to try. I will try to update this list with any new ones.

Which vegan frozen pizzas have you tried and how did you find them?

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