Juice Diary | Post-Easter Juicing : Day 4

This post is a continuation of Juice Diary | Post-Easter Juicing : Day 3 which are posts my experience in following Jason Vale’s 5 day juice challenge.

The end of this juicing challenge is approaching… Yesterday morning I weighed myself and was 52.0 kg, not a big change from the day before’s morning weight. However let’s see how much will my actual weight be Saturday morning and evening. Then I will confirm whether the juice still worked although I switched 1 juice per day with a snack or not.

So the juices that I need to prepare today are:

Juice 1: Nature’s Super Blend: 2 apples, 1 handful spinach, 1/2 courgette / zucchini, 1 lime, 2 carrots, 1/4 cucumber, 2 – 3 cm broccoli stem, 1/2 stalk celery, 1/4 green bell pepper, 1/2 avocado.

Juice 2: Minty Sunshine: 2 oranges, 3 carrots, 1 – 2 raw ginger, 4 sprigs fresh mint.

And you? Are you still following the 5 day juice challenge? Have you seen any changes, yet?


DISCLAIMER: I wasn’t paid or asked to write this post.
