Parka – Wardrobe Essentials for Women

Wardrobe Essentials for Women - Parka

For the first fashion post of the year, I have decided to write about my favourite jacket. So today’s wardrobe essentials post is going to be about women parka.

Till my birthday, about 1 year 2 months ago, I was still using the jacket which I had bought over 10 years ago. The reason was that most jackets that I could find didn’t have the features that I was looking for. Also, most of the jackets that I find have that glossy material which to me looks like garbage bags.

A few days before that birthday I was looking for jackets as the old jacket wasn’t warm enough for Germany. I managed to find a cosy parka from Tally Weijl. This parka had nearly all the features, look and feel that I was looking for in a jacket.

Since I had no income, my plan was to wait for the sales, after Christmas and buy it reduced. However, my boyfriend offered to buy it for me for my birthday. It made more sense for him to buy me something that I really need rather than a random present. Before buying it, I went to the Tally Weijl website and looked for the jacket. I wanted to make sure that it didn’t have any animal-derived materials since the inside looked like sheep wool to me. However, I was relieved to find no animal-derived materials listed in the jacket’s description.

What I like about my parka

  • The cosy material inside. Since I am currently living in Germany, I needed something warm, especially for the rare snowy occasions. This parka has a faux wool material inside that keeps me warm.
  • It’s long but not too long. My previous jacket was long till about my hips, so whenever I bend the jacket goes up and cold air enters. I made sure that my new jacket was a bit longer.
  • Elastic end of the sleeves. I believe that the elastic part of sleeves stops the cold air from going inside the jacket, especially if wear add gloves.
  • Large hood. The hood of my previous jacket was small that half of my head was still exposed to rain. I made sure that the hood of this parka covers my gigantic head.

What I don’t like about my parka

  • Open pockets. I made sure that the parka had pockets to warm my hands but I didn’t think of looking for a parka that secures whatever I store in my pockets. Tally Weijl do have parkas with zipped pockets. So if I ever need another parka, I will make sure to buy one of them.
  • Open hood. I have been noticing that I can’t secure my hood from the wind. Whenever it is windy, I have to hold my hood on my head or else my whole head will be exposed to the rain.

Is my Tally Weijl parka still available

My parka was sold out a few weeks after my boyfriend bought it for me. However, they currently do have similar ones to mine.

Next, I want to replace my coat, where I can look for a cosy one please?

DISCLAIMER: This is not a pr or sponsored post.


(a.k.a. Fiona Henschel) Malta-born blogger. I have been blogging during these last 6 years on my cruelty-free lifestyle including recipes, beauty and makeup products that I discover, receive, buy and try.