Mediterranean Potato Warm Salad Recipe

This is a vegan recipe which my mother suggested. It had no name so I thought of calling it Mediterranean Potato Warm Salad. I am not a food expert so if the name I gave it is wrong, you’re free to suggest a more fitting one.

Mediterranean Potato Warm Salad Ingredients

Mediterranean Potato Warm Salad Method

  1. Boil the potatoes until they are soft. One way to check if the potatoes are soft is to pierce a fork through one or more potatoes. If the fork easily sinks in then the potatoes are soft already.
  2. Leave the potatoes to cool down and then chop them into cubes.
  3. Place the olive oil and onion in a pan and cook until the onions are transparent.
  4. Add the potatoes, the sundried tomatoes, the olives and the capers to the pan and cook for a few minutes.
  5. Serve warm.

I cook this vegan dish once a week. It’s one of my 5 default vegan recipes. I hope you will like it as much as I do.
