Missing vegan beauty products in Malta

missing vegan beauty products

Since my first days of a cruelty-free lifestyle till today, the variety of cruelty-free products has increased. Now that I am vegan, I manage to find most of the vegan beauty products that I need. However, we are still lacking some vegan and even cruelty-free only beauty products. Today, I thought of creating a list of missing vegan beauty products. The reason for this post is to raise awareness to existing or new distributors in Malta so that they don’t bring what we already have but to bring what we lack.

Hair dye

A year ago or more I have discovered that natural and cruelty-free brand Bottega Verde, sells hair dye. When before I used to tell people that I have no idea of where they can buy off the shelf hair dye, now I redirect them to Bottega Verde. However, their hair dye is not vegan. So vegan DIY hair dye is still missing. Also, it would be great to find cruelty-free drug store DIY hair dye.

Hair removal

I prefer shaving with razor blades as I am not good in using waxes and other hair removal products. However, I don’t think we have any cruelty-free and vegan hair removal products in Malta.


Most cruelty-free beauty brands in Malta have hair care products. However, I don’t know any who sell cruelty-free and vegan hair styling products.

Oral care

I have a favourite brand of cruelty-free and vegan toothpaste and mouthwashes. My favourite oral care brand Weleda. It’s a good brand. However, I don’t know if I got stuck to it because it’s a good product or also because it’s the only brand I have found. Might be great if there was a variety, just like in other body care products.

Razor blades

We have a variety of after shaves and other shaving products which are cruelty-free. However we don’t have razor blades. I get asked many times for cruelty-free razor blades a lot. Till some days ago, I was referring people to a brand called King of Shaves. I thought Browns Pharmacies were stocking it as that’s what their website said. However, I was told that they don’t distribute it anymore. So please get me some cruelty-free and preferably also vegan razor blades.

These are the missing vegan beauty products which I can think of till now. If my list is wrong or you have suggestions of other products which I could list, please comment below.



(a.k.a. Fiona Henschel) Malta-born blogger. I have been blogging during these last 6 years on my cruelty-free lifestyle including recipes, beauty and makeup products that I discover, receive, buy and try.