5 Winter Wardrobe Essentials That I Am Packing For Malta

Winter Wardrobe Essentials 2018

I haven’t written a fashion post since the Malta Fashion Week and Awards 2018, last May. Since then I had no fashion Friday post ideas. These last few weeks I made an extra effort to find a fashion post, at least a general one and not necessarily vegan-specific. While packing some of my Winter clothes to take to Malta, I got an idea for a fashion post. I thought, why not list down my winter wardrobe essentials. After all, it’s what I am packing. For now, I could think of 5 winter wardrobe essentials. However, I would not be surprised to find out that I have missed something and end up asking my boyfriend to bring it for next time he’s in Germany. The sacrifices that a boyfriend has to make!


As soon as it starts raining, boots are a wardrobe essential. Especially if you are living in a country like Malta where some streets are flooded with rain or sea water. Two weeks ago I wished that I had my boots with me and avoid getting my socks or trousers wet.

Coats and Jackets

Speaking of rain, I like hooded jackets to cover my head from rain. Two birthdays ago, my boyfriend had bought me a cosy jacket which is ideal for the cold German winter. I do not think that I will pack this jacket for the Maltese winter as it won’t be as cold as the German one. Instead, I will be wearing a light coat. In the meantime, since my current plan for the future is to permanently live in Germany, I am on the lookout for a cosy coat. I can’t seem to find one.

Polo necks

For some time I did not like polo necks as I was under the impression that they make my face look big. However, after seeing my fashion inspiration Victoria Beckham wearing polo necks not only alone but also under shirts and dresses, I have decided to start stocking up on them.


I think I have close to 20 tights. Whenever I go shopping for clothes and I find a good discount on tights, I tend to stock up with the excuse that I need them to keep my legs warm in winter. However, the last time that I went shopping I stopped myself from buying more tights. I told myself that I have enough for them and maybe it won’t be that cold in Malta. So I packed some of what I have and we will see if I have really enough.


Hooded clothes protect my head and boots protect my feet and legs from the rain. An umbrella protects the rest.

These are the things that I have packed in my luggage for a Maltese Winter. I hope it is enough as I feel bad asking my boyfriend to bring me anything that I have forgotten. What other winter wardrobe essentials have you got?


(a.k.a. Fiona Henschel) Malta-born blogger. I have been blogging during these last 6 years on my cruelty-free lifestyle including recipes, beauty and makeup products that I discover, receive, buy and try.