6 Facts About Down Feathers

Down Feathers

As previously mentioned, I will be starting a blog series on what makes fashion not cruelty-free. Last week, I had listed the main materials that are animal-derived. From this week, I thought I go into more detail on each of the materials listed. Today, I am sharing with you some facts about down feathers.

  • A thermal insulator sourced from ducks and geese.
  • Used in jackets, pillows, duvets and sleeping bags.
  • Are plucked from living birds often causing the bird’s skin to bleed.
  • Cause allergies as they age, due to contamination with mold and dust mites.
  • IKEA have altered their products to eliminate the use of live-plucked feathers.
  • Bamboo is a good alternative to down feathers.

This is all the information I could gather about down feathers. Do you have anymore information to add? I would love to learn more.


(a.k.a. Fiona Henschel) Malta-born blogger. I have been blogging during these last 6 years on my cruelty-free lifestyle including recipes, beauty and makeup products that I discover, receive, buy and try.