I was supposed to share this recipe with you yesterday since it was #MeatFreeMonday, since in Germany it’s Pentecost Monday (a public holiday), it was as busy and lazy as a Sunday for me. So instead of giving it a miss for this week, I’ve decided to share the recipe today.
Today I am sharing with you another recipe that I’ve tried from Miriam Sorrell’s cookbook Mouthwatering Vegan, it’s the Wild Stuffed Pasta Balls.
As usual, I did my own modifications. I used vegetarian ingredients instead of vegan ones and used Puy Lentils as a meat substitute alternative.
Here’s the result of the vegetarian version of the pasta balls with puy lentils:
I don’t like lentils or beans, but I would eat them soft, minced and mixed with other ingredients. In this recipe the lentils that I’ve used got soft and the mixture was tasty so I could eat the lentils.
On a side note, last week I did an effort and bought the ingredients needed to make vegan dairy products so that I could start doing these vegan recipes 100% vegan and not use vegetarian alternatives. 🙂
That’s all for today. If you haven’t yet done so, I hope you will try any of the meat-free recipes I share with you every week. Next food post will be published next Monday <3
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Have you tried this these pasta balls, or have you tried any of Mouthwatering Vegan
DISCLAIMER: I wasn’t paid to prepare, publish or share this post.