7 Cruelty-free Sunscreen Brands in Malta

Since I covered cruelty-free anti-cellulite brands in Malta last week, for this week I thought of keeping the Summer topic and cover sunscreen. This week I saw a lot of people asking for suggestions of sun protection creams in Malta. Usually, bloggers list their favourite products but in my case, as I rarely go to the beach in Summer, I am kind of new to cruelty-free sunscreen so I will share with you all the brands I know of that offer sunscreen.

Alkemilla (organic, vegan)

If you are looking for a vegan and organic brand for your sunscreen check out Alkemilla. Some Alkemilla products are available on the shop.

Bottega Verde

Most of Bottega Verde products are also vegan. To know which ones, check out my list of Bottega Verde vegan sun care products.


Casmara have just launched their sun care range.

Green People (organic)

Another organic brand that offers sunscreen is Green People.

Histomer (vegan)

Histomer is a fully vegan brand which I have recently discovered.



All of Polaar products, except for their lip balm are vegan. You can find Polaar products at FREE DELIVERY on the shop.

There might be more brands but I can’t know all, so your input would be appreciated. Who else sells cruelty-free sunscreen in Malta?

DISCLAIMER: This is not an affiliate, pr or sponsored post unless I claimed otherwise.
