Sencha Green Tea and Its Benefits

Sencha Green Tea

Sencha is also finely grounded powder like Matcha so that you can ingest 100% nutrition of tea leaves. Unlike Matcha the leaves grow in the sun until harvest, thus L-theanine (amino acid) becomes Catechin – a type of natural phenol and antioxidant. In compared to Matcha, Sencha contains less L-theanine & Chlorophyll and more Catechin and Vitamin C. Due to the powerful antioxidants, the powder can be used for face mask too!

Some of the benefits of Sencha Green Tea

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Prevents obesity and type 2 diabetes
  • Controls the cholesterol level
  • Anti-ageing & improves skin tone and look younger
  • Prevents tumour growth

If you would like to read more about Sencha Green Tea, check out the J-okini website.

About J-okini

J-okini is a distributor of Japanese organic green tea in Malta. I once took part in a giveaway organised by J-okini. Sumie, the founder of J-okini, informed me that I was one of the giveaway winners. She also mentioned that she is happy that I won as she loves my blog and that she is following my social media pages. Few weeks after I had a giveaway. Coincidentally, yes it was coincidentally as I use a random generator to pick out winner name, Sumie was the winner of that giveaway. We met so that I give her the prize and ended up talking long about social media, green teas, etc. Being new to green tea, I asked Sumie if she would like to write posts where she can give information about the different types of green tea and their benefits. The reason is that there are a lot of types. If I had to write a post, I would definitely mix up one type with the other. She agreed and here is part 3 of her post.

This is a sponsored post. You are not obligated to buy. However, if you decide to buy from J-okini, please leave a note in your order. Let Sumie know that you read her article on this website, she would love that.

J-okini online shop:


This post was written by a guest blogger. Please see their bio in the post.