Vegan-friendly Beer Brands in Malta

Vegan Maltese Beer List

Some months ago, I had listed the list of vegan-friendly Maltese Beer. Since there is a lot of Maltese beer but not a lot of them have been found to be accidentally vegan, I thought of listing the international vegan-friendly beer. As a reliable source, I have used Barnivore. If you know of a more reliable source, please do let me know.

  • Arrogant Bastard Ale – Craft Beer
  • Augustiner
  • Beck’s
  • Birra Moretti
  • Brunehaut
  • Budweiser
  • Carlsberg
  • Corona
  • Erdinger (except for their cask beers)
  • Estrella Damm
  • Estrella Galicia
  • Farsons (except for their Lacto Milk Stout)
  • Guinness
  • Heineken
  • Leffe
  • Skol
  • Stella Artois
  • Stretta – Craft Beer
  • Tyskie
  • Warsteiner (except for their flavoured options)

These are all the vegan-friendly beer I could find in Malta up till now.

DISCLAIMER: This is not an affiliate, pr or sponsored post.


(a.k.a. Fiona Henschel) Malta-born blogger. I have been blogging during these last 6 years on my cruelty-free lifestyle including recipes, beauty and makeup products that I discover, receive, buy and try.